Mar 21 2023

Tamia Pack goes international!

After the success of its latest participations at the European (Euro Seeds) and international congresses (ISF), in 2022 Tamia Pack began going international, a policy...
Oct 20 2022

Tamia Mobile Tour: we’re off again!

After 2 conclusive years and more than 2.000 tons vacuum-packed in 2022, Tamia Pack is relaunching its "Tour de France" of vaccum-packing services for the 3rd year in...
Jun 23 2022

Feedback about the spring 2022 fairs for Tamia Pack!

At the end of spring 2022, it is time to review Tamia Pack's presence in May and June at various fairs. The ISF World Seed Congress 2022 welcomed Tamia Pack from May...
Apr 01 2022

Participation in the 40th edition of GETIS

On March 24, 2022, Tamia Pack participated in the 40th edition of GETIS, an unmissable seed protection event organized by Syngenta, in Reims (North of France). The...
Stand de Tamia Pack au congrès Euroseeds de Prague
Oct 18 2021


A first conclusive edition for the Tamia Pack team at the Euroseeds Congress which was held in Prague on October 18, 19 and 20. The vacuum seed and grain storage...
Jun 02 2021


TAMIA PACK a le plaisir d’inviter les acteurs du monde des semences sur son stand A37 lors des Culturales. L’équipe prépare un accueil bien vivant et instructif. En...
May 31 2021


TAMIA PACK a le plaisir d’annoncer la naissance de son nouveau site internet. Il s’inspire des remarques et demandes que les acteurs du marché des...
®, comment ça marche ?" >
Mar 15 2021

®, comment ça marche ?" > TAMIA PACK®, comment ça marche ?

Lors d’une démonstration online de son Procédé SAFET’HY® et de ses équipements de mise sous vide industrielle pour les semences et graines alimentaires, qui s’est tenu...
®" >
Feb 01 2021


ll y a sept ans, Asur Plant, créateur de variétés de céréales et producteur de semences, lançait ses travaux de réflexion autour d'une meilleure...
® lance le Tamia Mobile Tour" >
Jan 14 2021

® lance le Tamia Mobile Tour" > TAMIA PACK® lance le Tamia Mobile Tour

Depuis décembre, et pour les 3 mois qui suivent, l’équipe TAMIA PACK part à la rencontre de ses interlocuteurs sur l’ensemble du territoire français pour mettre en...
® fête son
premier anniversaire !" >
Dec 10 2020

® fête son
premier anniversaire !" > TAMIA PACK® fête son
premier anniversaire !

Créée en septembre 2019, TAMIA PACK est une entreprise de Service proposant les matériels et prestations nécessaires aux clients pour mettre en œuvre le procédé de mise...
Nov 01 2020


Après une étude sur plusieurs années, TAMIA PACK est aujourd’hui à même de proposer un procédé industriel de conservation sous vide labellisé « Procédé SAFET’HY® »,...

Press Releases

May 18 2020


TAMIA PACK completes its SAFET'HY vacuum packing equipment offering with the TAMIA Optimum. This equipment now concentrates all the knowledge and market experience of...
Sep 01 2019


There is a growing need to shelter seeds and seeds in a safe and sustainable manner, and without resorting to any insecticide treatment. Creator of cereal varieties and...



Michael Gautron (UK)
« We have called on TAMIA PACK in 2020 and 2021 to vacuum seal organic wheat seeds at the Soissons plant (high added value products). The efficiency of this technology has been proven both on the conservation of the seed in terms of germinative faculty but also on the preservation of the seed against storage pests. Vacuuming flow rates are fast, and unpacking is done in completely safely. »
Michael Gautron
Industrial and Quality Manager at EUROSEM
« We have called on TAMIA PACK in 2020 and 2021 to vacuum seal organic wheat seeds at the Soissons plant (high added value products). The efficiency of this technology has been proven both on the conservation of the seed in terms of germinative faculty but also on the preservation of the seed against storage pests. Vacuuming flow rates are fast, and unpacking is done in completely safely. »
Michael Gautron (UK)
Michael Gautron
Industrial and Quality Manager at EUROSEM
François Grenot (UK)
« In January 2021, TAMIA PACK came to our site in Nogent sur Seine to put more than 400T of cereal and rapeseed seeds under vacuum, with samples taken to control the germination capacity of all the lots. Our need was to preserve in the best conditions these seeds, potentially over 2 or 3 campaigns, allowing us to make savings by reducing our seed production plans. So far, the seeds are perfectly preserved, there are no extra storage costs and the logistics with 1200kg big bags are very easy to manage. We are so satisfied that we have renewed our trust in TAMIA PACK for 2022 with a new vacuum service of more than 600T. »
François Grenot
Seed Station Manager at SOUFFLET AGRICULTURE
« In January 2021, TAMIA PACK came to our site in Nogent sur Seine to put more than 400T of cereal and rapeseed seeds under vacuum, with samples taken to control the germination capacity of all the lots. Our need was to preserve in the best conditions these seeds, potentially over 2 or 3 campaigns, allowing us to make savings by reducing our seed production plans. So far, the seeds are perfectly preserved, there are no extra storage costs and the logistics with 1200kg big bags are very easy to manage. We are so satisfied that we have renewed our trust in TAMIA PACK for 2022 with a new vacuum service of more than 600T. »
François Grenot (UK)
François Grenot
Seed Station Manager at SOUFFLET AGRICULTURE
Séverin Gourdin (UK)
We have been using the vacuum preservation technology for several years in selection. The advantage of this technology is that we can preserve the batches for more than 5 years, which allows us to spare a generation of maintenance. Thus, we only reseed every 4 years instead of every 2 years. The seeds are very well protected from insects and the conservation of the germinative faculty is very good: as a proof we still have here some bags of the 2016 harvest which still germinate very well. TAMIA PACK’s vacuum technology allows us to:
  • Spare time and resources. Think about all the time saved between a half-day of bagging vs several days to sow, cultivate, protect, purify, harvest several different micro plots
  • To be free of climatic risks
  • To eliminate the risks caused by insects
  • To preserve the variety by decreasing the generations of maintenance
  • To feel confident
Today, at ASUR, we could not work without this technology, with it we have made a leap in simplifying our work!
Séverin Gourdin
Technician in conservation breeding at ASUR PLANT BREEDING
We have been using the vacuum preservation technology for several years in selection. The advantage of this technology is that we can preserve the batches for more than 5 years, which allows us to spare a generation of maintenance. Thus, we only reseed every 4 years instead of every 2 years. The seeds are very well protected from insects and the conservation of the germinative faculty is very good: as a proof we still have here some bags of the 2016 harvest which still germinate very well. TAMIA PACK’s vacuum technology allows us to:
  • Spare time and resources. Think about all the time saved between a half-day of bagging vs several days to sow, cultivate, protect, purify, harvest several different micro plots
  • To be free of climatic risks
  • To eliminate the risks caused by insects
  • To preserve the variety by decreasing the generations of maintenance
  • To feel confident
Today, at ASUR, we could not work without this technology, with it we have made a leap in simplifying our work!
Séverin Gourdin (UK)
Séverin Gourdin
Technician in conservation breeding at ASUR PLANT BREEDING
Frédéric Guilbert (UK)
« After the last campaign we decided to preserve our stocks of organic cereal seeds with the vacuum process of TAMIA PACK. Our need was to limit storage losses, and therefore our financial losses, with chemistry-free technology. We were very satisfied with the TAMIA PACK service provided at the end of November in our Verneuil l'Etang plant in Seine et Marne. Since then, our on-site team has been checking on a daily basis the hold of the big-bags that have not moved since they were vacuumed. This is a real confirmation of the interest of this technology, which already allows us to have large volumes of good quality seeds to start the next production campaign early. I am very "fan" of this innovation and spontaneously recommend it to my professional entourage. »
Frédéric Guilbert
Seed Production Manager, VALFRANCE
« After the last campaign we decided to preserve our stocks of organic cereal seeds with the vacuum process of TAMIA PACK. Our need was to limit storage losses, and therefore our financial losses, with chemistry-free technology. We were very satisfied with the TAMIA PACK service provided at the end of November in our Verneuil l'Etang plant in Seine et Marne. Since then, our on-site team has been checking on a daily basis the hold of the big-bags that have not moved since they were vacuumed. This is a real confirmation of the interest of this technology, which already allows us to have large volumes of good quality seeds to start the next production campaign early. I am very "fan" of this innovation and spontaneously recommend it to my professional entourage. »
Frédéric Guilbert (UK)
Frédéric Guilbert
Seed Production Manager, VALFRANCE
Guillaume Cazier (UK)
« At ASUR Plant Breeding, we work in part with high-value hybrid grain seeds. The initial vacuuming investment is covered by the maintenance of germination and the absence of management costs related to the control of insects and the absence of electricity costs compared to the use of a cold room. This storage method guarantees us good conservation without loss and over several years if necessary. Our seeds are protected, especially from moisture. Real added value! »
Guillaume Cazier
Production and Supply Chain Manager at ASUR PLANT BREEDING
« At ASUR Plant Breeding, we work in part with high-value hybrid grain seeds. The initial vacuuming investment is covered by the maintenance of germination and the absence of management costs related to the control of insects and the absence of electricity costs compared to the use of a cold room . This storage method guarantees us good conservation without loss and over several years if necessary. Our seeds are protected, especially from moisture. Real added value! »
Guillaume Cazier (UK)
Guillaume Cazier
Production and Supply Chain Manager at ASUR PLANT BREEDING
Emmanuel Radière (UK)
« The SAFET'HY process brings a lot of flexibility.It allows the production line to be supplied regularly and easily as needed.This conservation technology thus facilitates the management manufacturing while clearly preserving the seed quality. »
Emmanuel Radière
Site Plant Manager, EUROSEM
« The SAFET'HY process brings a lot of flexibility.It allows the production line to be supplied regularly and easily as needed.This conservation technology thus facilitates the management manufacturing while clearly preserving the seed quality. »
Emmanuel Radière (UK)
Emmanuel Radière
Site Plant Manager, EUROSEM
Jean Luc Quandalle (UK)
« Spearheading easy-to-use vacuum technology, the Tamia Pack team is distinguished by its professionalism, creativity and sympathy. How lucky for us breeders to be able to keep our younger generations in 1.2 t vacuum sealed big-bags or 25 kg bags for several years safe from insects and rodents! For 5 years, the Tamia Pack process has enabled us to store 350 t / year under vacuum without the use of a cold room. Thank you to them for their services and all my development wishes around the world. »
Jean Luc Quandalle
Breeder, Technical Manager at ASUR PLANT BREEDING
« Spearheading easy-to-use vacuum technology, the Tamia Pack team is distinguished by its professionalism, creativity and sympathy. How lucky for us breeders to be able to keep our younger generations in 1.2 t vacuum sealed big-bags or 25 kg bags for several years safe from insects and rodents! For 5 years, the Tamia Pack process has enabled us to store 350 t / year under vacuum without the use of a cold room. Thank you to them for their services and all my development wishes around the world. »
Jean Luc Quandalle (UK)
Jean Luc Quandalle
Breeder, Technical Manager at ASUR PLANT BREEDING
Dominique Hoffer (UK)
« During the last 2 campaigns we have used the services of TAMIA PACK. Vacuum technology represents a real innovation for us to protect and preserve our stocks of high-value commercial seeds. We appreciated the relationship with the TAMIA PACK team who know the world of seeds perfectly. »
Dominique Hoffer
Director of Operation Cereal, Hybrid, Forage seeds, at SEMENCES DE FRANCE
« During the last 2 campaigns we have used the services of TAMIA PACK. Vacuum technology represents a real innovation for us to protect and preserve our stocks of high-value commercial seeds. We appreciated the relationship with the TAMIA PACK team who know the world of seeds perfectly. »
Dominique Hoffer (UK)
Dominique Hoffer
Director of Operation Cereal, Hybrid, Forage seeds, at SEMENCES DE FRANCE
Anne-Sophie Jouvenet (UK)
« I think it's a good innovation that has a mobile function. Why not also offer it to our members, for small batches or set up the process on a factory. »
Anne-Sophie Jouvenet
Operation Manager at COCEBI (Organic farming cooperative)
« I think it's a good innovation that has a mobile function. Why not also offer it to our members, for small batches or set up the process on a factory. »
Anne-Sophie Jouvenet (UK)
Anne-Sophie Jouvenet
Operation Manager at COCEBI (Organic farming cooperative)
Clément Chabot (UK)
« In order to guarantee the preservation of our G1 and G2 seeds, we have vacuum-packed many varieties in 25 kg bags with the TAMIA Box equipment. I really appreciated the professionalism of the team during this service, as well as the ease of use of the machine. I look forward to seeing the result over the next few months. »
Clément Chabot
Site Manager, RAGT
« In order to guarantee the preservation of our G1 and G2 seeds, we have vacuum-packed many varieties in 25 kg bags with the TAMIA Box equipment. I really appreciated the professionalism of the team during this service, as well as the ease of use of the machine. I look forward to seeing the result over the next few months. »
Clément Chabot (UK)
Clément Chabot
Site Manager, RAGT
Patrick Beauvois (UK)
« TAMIA PACK came to carry out a vacuum sealing service with its mobile platform in May 2020. Twelve months later the big-bags are still perfectly vacuum-packed, which is a great satisfaction. This new SAFET’HY process provides a real solution for the preservation and management of our seed stocks, especially since the limitation of storage insecticides. »
Patrick Beauvois
Seed Production Manager at TERRE ATLANTIQUE
« TAMIA PACK came to carry out a vacuum sealing service with its mobile platform in May 2020. Twelve months later the big-bags are still perfectly vacuum-packed, which is a great satisfaction. This new SAFET’HY process provides a real solution for the preservation and management of our seed stocks, especially since the limitation of storage insecticides. »
Patrick Beauvois (UK)
Patrick Beauvois
Seed Production Manager at TERRE ATLANTIQUE
Gilles Lachambre (UK)
« This year, we carried out the vacuum packing with TAMIA PACK of our carry-over stocks of certified organic seeds. The interest was obvious to us for two main reasons: • The preservation of the germination faculty • the protection against storage insects We believe that the cost versus the value of a certified organic seed is a profitable operation. »
Gilles Lachambre
Director of EUROSEM
« This year, we carried out the vacuum packing with TAMIA PACK of our carry-over stocks of certified organic seeds. The interest was obvious to us for two main reasons:
• The preservation of the germination faculty
• the protection against storage insects
We believe that the cost versus the value of a certified organic seed is a profitable operation. »
Gilles Lachambre (UK)
Gilles Lachambre
Director of EUROSEM
Thomas Bourgeois (UK)
« The SAFET'HY process is an effective means of controlling insects. Thanks to it I was able to protect my seeds without risk of downgrading. »
Thomas Bourgeois
President of FNAMS (French Seed Growers Union) and organic farmer
« The SAFET'HY process is an effective means of controlling insects. Thanks to it I was able to protect my seeds without risk of downgrading. »
Thomas Bourgeois (UK)
Thomas Bourgeois
President of FNAMS (French Seed Growers Union) and organic farmer
Jean-Paul Moreau (UK)
« The TAMIA PACK team came to carry out a vacuum packing service for several hundred tonnes of seeds, on several species in our factory in Nogent-sur-Seine. I really appreciated the professionalism of this young team and I find this new technology very interesting. To follow and encourage. »
Jean-Paul Moreau
Commercial Director, Seed Market Manager at SOUFFLET AGRICULTURE
« The TAMIA PACK team came to carry out a vacuum packing service for several hundred tonnes of seeds, on several species in our factory in Nogent-sur-Seine. I really appreciated the professionalism of this young team and I find this new technology very interesting. To follow and encourage. »
Jean-Paul Moreau (UK)
Jean-Paul Moreau
Commercial Director, Seed Market Manager at SOUFFLET AGRICULTURE